Semi-automatic, pneumatic eyelet machine. Recommended for small productions.
Places eyelets and washers on all types of materials: textile, cardboard, canvas, PVC, etc. By changing of dies you can place eyelets and washers up to 13 mm inner diameter. Punches the material and rivet the eyelets in the same movement with two independent axes, do not wrench the material.
Insertion of eyelets per hand, start by foot pedal. With stainless tray and guides to regulate the distance between eyelets. Laser pointer option for positioning of eyelets. Also available mobile.
Manufacturer: HFS Technik
Covers & Tarpaulins Halls Leight Weight Structures Truck Covers Ventilation Ducts Oil Booms Agriculture Sport & Leisure Print & Screen Tents

Covers & Tarpaulins Halls Leight Weight Structures Truck Covers Ventilation Ducts Oil Booms Agriculture Sport & Leisure Print & Screen Tents